About Telemac-3D
- currents being induced either by gravity, tides or density gradients, with or without the influence of external forces such as wind (wave) or air pressure.
- impact of sewer effluents, the study of thermal plumes or even sediment transport.
- based on Telemac-2D, with extruded (prismatic) triangle meshes.
Main Features:
- Three-dimensional equations for free surface flow (with or without the hydrostatic pressure assumption)
- Transport-diffusion equations of intrinsic quantities (temperature, salinity, concentration)
- Influence of temperature and/or salinity on density
- Coriolis force and Lat-Lon coordinate System (Think about coastal / off shore problems / tsunami …)
- Weather elements : air pressure, wind, rain, evaporation, and thermal exchanges with the atmosphere
- Sources and sinks for fluid moment within the flow domain
- Simple or complex turbulence models (K-Epsilon) taking the effects of the Archimedean force (buoyancy) into account
- Current drift and diffusion of a tracer, with generation or disappearance terms (oil spils, algae bloom)
- Brings its own sediment transport module or Sisyphe
- The prismatic shape is not able to simulate pressure flows through closed geometries
- Only for in-compressible fluids
- No simulation of air bubbles / intake
Example 1: Malpasset in 3D
Example 2: Wesel bend of the river Rhine
taken from the Telemac examples.
Example 3: Piledepon
taken from the Telemac examples.
Example 4: Vertical stratification and mixing processes
taken from the Telemac examples.
Example 5: Solitary wave in channel with constant depth
taken from the presentation with the title of „TELEMAC-3D-Non hydrostatic 3D Navier-Stokes equations with a free surface“ by Jean-Michel Hervouet: (Course: Telemac + Sisyphe in Full Depth).
Depth = 10 m, Wave height = 2 m
Mesh size: 0.1 m, Time step: 0.1 s, C.F.L.: 10.84